IT Professional Services  & Management Consulting - Continual Service Improvement

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Tools and Techniques for Continual Improvement - CSI Register

Posted by David Smith on May 28, 2015 8:30:00 AM

Implementing Improvements is challenging

Implementing continuous quality improvements sounds easier than it really is.

People resist change – although humans are most adaptable to change, we all tend to resist it.   We go “kicking and screaming” until the benefits are made clear.   Then wish we had done it sooner.

Balance between PM science vs art – complexity of change is variable from project to project.  One improvement project can be simple and straight forward while the next is multi-dimensional.  Getting the right mix of rigor, method, skill, knowledge and experience is challenging.

Tools can be daunting - many project management tools are just too complex for most people and overkill for many improvement projects.     

Leadership by influence vs authority – most improvement projects involve resources from various departments who are not directly accountable to you.  Influencing people to get their commitment to support you is tough without authority.  

Credibility at stake – You’re as reputation is tied to your last project.  If the project was successful, you are a star, step forward.   If not, your credibility suffers, two steps back.

Reach your Goals with Less Effort and More Focus

Part 3 in this series of articles will share some tools and techniques for continual improvement that help Managers achieve their goals with less effort and more focus using a CSI Register.  See Part 1 – Domino Effect to create value faster with more focus and Part 2 – CSI Value Canvas to create compelling improvement plans that people embrace.


Implementation is where the Rubber meets the Road

It’s been said that implementing successful change projects is one part technical expertise and three parts emotional intelligence.  

Change leaders need good technical skills and knowledge, but above all need to be strong leaders that can manage by influence rather than authority. 

They clearly articulate the desired outcomes and benefits within the time, resource and cost constraints.  They are good influencers who know how to create desire for change using logic, emotion and cooperation.

Their communications are frequent, clear, concise, honest and in different formats to create the right level of awareness within the intended audience on the “what elements need to change and why”.

Teamwork and collaboration determines the “how things get done” detailing issues, gaps and risks to be overcome and requirements to be met. 

Initiative expectations are set and managed with well-written scope of work, task schedules and supporting artifacts and deliverable details.  

Frequent check-ins are used to monitor progress and control the planned deliverables as well as recognize key contributors and successes.

Increase Success using better Change Controls

A CSI Register tool helps change leaders determine the details required to manage, control and implement improvements.

The Register acts as the master book-of-work repository for crafting the “who, what, where, when and how” details collaboratively with the implementation team.  Note: Value Canvas helps identify the “why”.

It's also used to track progress, monitor assignments, provide transparency, measure and assess project controls, metrics and outcomes.

This gives you better visibility and control over the critical success factors required to make your project and you successful.

How the Register works

Use the Register tool to capture details about the project.  Six features help manage and control the desired outcomes. 

  1. Portfolio - from the Value Canvas, create a portfolio name, define the purpose and time frame.
  2. Strategy – list details about the desired outcomes and benefits that are important.
  3. Controls – create metrics/measurement controls that will guarantee your success.
  4. Enablers – create the managed elements that directly enable the outcomes and benefits.
  5. Challenges - now assess the enablers to determine the challenges for each enabler.
  6. Initiatives - finally formulate and enter initiative details that directly address the challenges.


Seven Reasons for using the CSI Register
  1. Improved communication – breaks down resistance to change by creating better awareness
  2. Increased project control - keeps control to guarantee outcomes, deliverables, schedules
  3. Better assignment tracking – understand resource dependencies and potential risks
  4. Overall progress tracking – understand the big picture status to better manage expectations
  5. Improved collaboration – strengthens team commitment to work together and produce maximum results and desire to succeed
  6. Increased transparency – provides instant feedback to reinforce desired behavior
  7. Scalability – flexible level of detail depending on complexity of change required

Let us help you create your first CSI Value Canvas

In conclusion, the right methods, tools and techniques for your continual improvement process can help you achieve your goals with less effort and more focus.

Request a free Canvas tool and consultation with our experts to overcome your challenges and create your business value proposition.

Get a free CSI Value Canvas & consultation


 David Smith is the president of Micromation Inc. We help organizations increase customer value through continual improvement of services and processes by minimizing waste while maximizing yield.  

David is the author of “Implementing Metrics for IT Service Management” ISBN: 9789087531140 and contributing co-author of "IT Service Management - Global Best Practices" ISBN: 9789087531003.



Topics: Techniques, Tools, CSI

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