IT Professional Services  & Management Consulting - Continual Service Improvement

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Lean CSI: New Thinking on Delivering More Value with Limited Resources

Posted by David Smith on Jun 22, 2015 3:19:00 PM

There's an App for That!

There’s been great accomplishments over the last four or five years in technology.   Cloud services makes it possible to get an App on just about anything, anywhere and anytime.    Not only that, there’re pretty good too considering you can use most across multiple platforms.    And there’re not that expensive, sometimes even free if you don’t need all the bells and whistles.    There’re mostly intuitive and easy to learn and use, if not no problem, just get another one.   And to top it off you can get them yourself and fast through App Stores without going through the hassles of IT or Procurement. 

Cloud Adoption, Tip of the Iceberg? 

Cloud services are so wildly successful, many organizations don’t realize how many are being used in their company.    SkyHigh Networks published Cloud Adoption & Risk Report Q1 2015 estimates the average company now uses 923 distinct cloud services which is up 21.6% over previous quarter. “That number is more than 10 times higher than what IT estimates, highlighting the exceptional growth in employee-led cloud adoption” and growing.

Icebergs Sink Ships!

For a CIO this brings up some interesting questions.   Who is responsible for cloud services?  What are the risks?  What impact will this have on legacy IT models?  How do we harvest value and minimize the risk? Where will we get the resources?

This article looks at some of the opportunities and challenges created by Cloud services through the lens of Lean CSI which is “new thinking on delivering value with resource constraints”.

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Topics: Techniques, Tools, CSI, Metrics, Measurement, Lean CSI, Methods

Tools and Techniques for Continual Improvement - CSI Register

Posted by David Smith on May 28, 2015 8:30:00 AM

Implementing Improvements is challenging

Implementing continuous quality improvements sounds easier than it really is.

People resist change – although humans are most adaptable to change, we all tend to resist it.   We go “kicking and screaming” until the benefits are made clear.   Then wish we had done it sooner.

Balance between PM science vs art – complexity of change is variable from project to project.  One improvement project can be simple and straight forward while the next is multi-dimensional.  Getting the right mix of rigor, method, skill, knowledge and experience is challenging.

Tools can be daunting - many project management tools are just too complex for most people and overkill for many improvement projects.     

Leadership by influence vs authority – most improvement projects involve resources from various departments who are not directly accountable to you.  Influencing people to get their commitment to support you is tough without authority.  

Credibility at stake – You’re as reputation is tied to your last project.  If the project was successful, you are a star, step forward.   If not, your credibility suffers, two steps back.

Reach your Goals with Less Effort and More Focus

Part 3 in this series of articles will share some tools and techniques for continual improvement that help Managers achieve their goals with less effort and more focus using a CSI Register.  See Part 1 – Domino Effect to create value faster with more focus and Part 2 – CSI Value Canvas to create compelling improvement plans that people embrace.

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Topics: Techniques, Tools, CSI

Tools and Techniques for Continual Improvement - CSI Value Canvas

Posted by David Smith on May 27, 2015 8:30:00 AM

Three Common Challenges Managers Face

Continual improvement process managers face three common challenges:

  1. Breaking out of firefighting mode long enough to make an effective improvement strategy/plan;
  2. Getting senior management support, commitment and investment funding;
  3. And most importantly, winning the hearts and minds of the people who are effected by the changes.

Better Improvement Plans that People Embrace

Part 2 in this series of articles will share some tools and techniques for continual improvement that help Managers create compelling improvement plans that people embrace using a CSI Value Canvas.  See Part 1 – Domino Effect to create value faster with more focus and Part 3 - Improved management control using a CSI Register tool.

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Topics: Techniques, Tools, CSI

Tools and Techniques for Continual Improvement - Domino Effect (Part 1 of 3)

Posted by David Smith on May 13, 2015 2:26:00 PM

CIOs & IT Managers under Pressure to Create Value

As an IT worker, it’s tough to put out the routine fires, take on more workload, keep pace with technology change, be expected to make service improvements and while reducing costs and resources.

Cloud computing now makes it possible for the business to bypass IT and directly buy the services they want, when they need them, inexpensively and with reasonably good quality.  

CIOs and IT Managers are under extreme pressure to create, deliver and demonstrate business value like never before.

Create Value Faster with More Focus 

Part 1 in this article will share some tools and techniques for continual improvement that help get the results you need faster using The Domino Effect.  Stay tuned for Part 2 - Better planning with Value Canvas tool and Part 3 - Improved management control using a Register tool.

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Topics: Techniques, Tools, CSI

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